Girls Who Write

Once there was a girl who loved scribbling in her notebook. She was a dreamer, a mind-wanderer, an escapist, a visionary, a fantasy world creator, a lost Brönte sister, and honestly, maybe a bit of a weirdo ◡̈ She loved falling in love (again and again), getting lost in the streets, noticing what others didn’t see – and then putting it into words. Her happiest place was by the window at a small cafe with her latte and a journal. She wrote about what she felt, whom she missed, what she feared, and what she hoped for. And through these words, she was finding out who she really was. Sometimes she felt a bit lonely…
until she found her tribe.
Hey girl, is it you?
If so, you’re one of us, the girls who write. And you will never be writing alone again.
If so, you’re one of us, the girls who write. And you will never be writing alone again.
Once there was a girl who loved scribbling in her notebook. She was a dreamer, a mind-wanderer, an escapist, a visionary, a fantasy world creator, a lost Brönte sister, and honestly, maybe a bit of a weirdo ◡̈ She loved falling in love (again and again), getting lost in the streets, noticing what others didn’t see – and then putting it into words. Her happiest place was by the window at a small cafe with her latte and a journal. She wrote about what she felt, whom she missed, what she feared, and what she hoped for. And through these words, she was finding out who she really was. Sometimes she felt a bit lonely…
until she found her tribe.
what is
Hey there. I’m Marusha, founder of Girls Who Write.
And yes, I’m that kind of a girl, too!

Words have been my job all my life, but also my true passion. For years I’ve been working as a lifestyle & travel editor for Harper’s Bazaar, Grazia, and Aeroflot magazines, then switched to teaching storytelling and non-fiction writing. In 2022 I published my first book Not Just A Mom, my own manifesto and dedication to all creative women out there, who have mastered the art of juggling since becoming parents. After that, I realized how empowering a female community can be and how much we girls need our own tribe. This is when the idea of GWW was born.

I have also combined the wanderlust running through my veins, my experience as a travel editor, and my passion for writing to launch GIRLS WHO WRITE retreats. If you’re a words-lover like me, these transformational, creativity-boosting adventures are what you’ve been looking for!

I created Girls Who Write community to support and include in the creative circle all the women who love words. It doesn’t matter if you’re an amateur novelist, seasoned journalist, screenplay writer, journaling fan, or a pure beginner in writing.
Girls Who Write?

Become A Girl Who Writes

Writing in a group of other girls while exploring the most amazing corners of the world? Yes, please! Drop your everyday routine and come to an ultimate adventure with us. Check where we are heading next!
Feeling stuck, creatively or emotionally? Love pretty journals but keeping a diary seems boring? Try Naked Words, my 15-day online journaling course, and let the magic happen! Check when is the next launch.
Let's explore your inner landscapes together! I will create a bespoke journaling journey for you, tailored to your needs. You will feel inspired, relieved, and held. Drop me a message to find out how it works.
I host monthly themed writing workshops in Barcelona but one day I might pop up in your town! Check what's coming next, come meet like-minded people, and have fun exploring your writing – or drop me a message if you'd like me to host a class where you are.
Been dreaming about writing a book for years? I can help! It's a great pleasure for me to work as a book-writing mentor – my main focus is on authors who write non-fiction (self-help books, etc) and autofiction.
Let's chat!
Writing doesn't have to be boring or lonely! We are always up to something new, exciting, and inspirational. It can be a forest bathing experience paired with an open-air journaling session or a themed wine-tasting. Join our community and meet other girls who write and love having fun!
What kind of the Girl Who Writes are you?
Complete the quiz to know!
Last step!
What are you thinking about right now?
What item do you never, ever leave the house without?
What’s your favorite kind of vacation?
What other girls say
France/Spain, medical researcher
And as they say — when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Marusha became mine. My journaling guide. My mind was wandering a lot and anxiously, looking for one path vs another (corporate vs self employed; present mother va business woman; caring daughter vs devoted wife, etc etc). I trusted Masha and let myself believe that writing it down might help. I gave myself time and rights to explore this creativity and “therapeutic” writing. Many of my questions got answers, new connections were born, anxious inner voice turned out into a balanced (though sometimes still hesitant:) inner guide. I feel fear, but I do it anyway, writing scenario of the movie of my life, accepting all the pieces of puzzle (and not one vs another). Thank you Marusha for finding the Words, for books suggestions, for becoming That Very Guide that Student was looking for.
The retreat with Marusha was an experience of a lifetime. There is just something about her that makes you want to let go and be your true self. Without the stains of everyday life, it is especially easy. Surrounded by all the beauty, it flows and Marusha is there to guide you and put it into words. Not only have a rediscovered my creative side, I reconnected with my inner adventurer. I laughed, I cried, I ate delicious food and marvelled at the beauty around me and inside. The best adventure I have ever had. Wherever Masha has her next retreat — I am definitely there.
Food blogger, Russia
Art collector, Greece
This was my first journaling workshop and I didn’t know what to expect. Marusha guided us and created a safe environment to express our thoughts through writing and offered the opportunity to share with the others if we wanted to. The other people were so open to the experience and it was really therapeutic. After the retreat, I felt so much lighter and slept well. Even a week later, I am feeling much more peaceful and relaxed. This reterat has a lasting effect. I can’t wait to attend another!
I had an amazing, unforgettable experience in journaling retreat with Marusha. I am full of emotions and positivity and feel like many things have shifted for the better in my mind. Marusha is absolutely a must for someone who wants to start writing or develop their writing. She is a sparkling star in the universe and I am glad to find her. Feeling grateful!
IT executive, USA
University teacher, France
My writing process used to feel like rowing alone in a kayak in the open sea. Now that I’ve met other girls who write it feels like I’ve discovered a whole island of like-minded people!
I'm grateful for finding joy in writing again. I did Marusha’s Naked Words online course and it led me on a journey of self-discovering. It made me revisit places I had forgotten about and explore new ones. But mostly it gave me a home within myself. Writing gives me so much joy. It's a filtration process for my busy mind. A pause. A moment to breathe. An instant road to feel at home. I now remember why I love writing. And It was beautiful to have a place to share my writing. To be seen. To let someone, for the first time in my life (except in school), read whatever I was writing. So intimate and liberating.
Student, Sweden
Come join us and never write alone again!
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